We help you with the sourcing
of fabrics for your collection

We advise you in terms of sales conditions, composition & quality

We ensure the follow-up of
your orders with our suppliers
Our Services
Our agency represents European and Japanese textile mills and works with well-known fashion brands and stylists in Belgium and in The Netherlands.
We only work with reliable manufacturers, from the middle and high-end segment of the market, with whom we have developed excellent long-lasting relationships.
You can count on us to provide you the very best service and advice regarding their sales conditions and quality, ensuring the follow-up from sampling to production.

We aim to be your partner in sourcing and developing
the right fabric with the right supplier.
Our Offer
Visit our Showroom
Summer and winter collections of our suppliers
are always on display in our showroom.
Please contact us to set an appointment,
we will be delighted to welcome you.
We are located in Belgium not far from
Brussels, Gent and Antwerp.
Chantal Gaillard
The agency has originally been founded in 2002 by Chantal Gaillard, who has been a recognised and appreciated key player in the fashion industry for many years.
She has always strived to help designers to support their creativity and give shape to their visions.
Since her passing in 2019, her daughters Mélanie and Magali, together with Cynthia De Cuyper,
are pursuing her life's work.

Our Clients

Contact Us

Bureau Chantal Gaillard
Duo Consult BV / SRL